up to 50 guests
over 50 guests

Sour Grapes

Sour Grapes: Vic Caputo the brash new owner of a local vineyard “Dark Ridge Winery” has developed a new brand of wine-the “Bordeaux-Lisa” which he believes will revolutionize the wine industry and make him a multi-millionaire! The new wine is made from a rare breed of hybrid grapes that to date has not grown successfully here in the U.S. At the Annual Vineyard Owner’s Ball, he plans to unveil the new wine – promising a bottle to everyone in attendance. He drinks the wine and dies! Join the cast of Sour Grapes as we uncork the mystery!

Who Killed the Earl of Grey

The annual Golden Rose Award ceremony – a highly coveted competition each year in Pendleton County, is being judged by The Earl of Grey. While drinking tea and eating scones, he is poisoned. Did the butler, tired after years of long service to the Earl, murder him? Was its Lady Devonshire who recently discovered the Earl stole her new tea blend recipe and made millions, a suspect? Was Lady Lucille Lipton who invested heavily in a business scheme with the Earl and then lost millions seeking revenge?? Join us for this tempest in a teapot murder! nts)

Murder on the Set (Specialized themes available)

A movie production company is on location shooting for an upcoming film when it is discovered the head of the studio has been shot. Is the actress who is making a comeback (against the advice of the head of the director) guilty? Was the director seeking revenge after discovering the studio head announced this would be the last film he would direct with the studio? Did the Producer who hasn’t had a blockbuster hit in the last 10 years have a financial motive? Or is an unsuspecting character on the set guilty of the murder? (themes available: Halloween, Western, Holiday, 20’s, 50’s Rock & Roll and Pirate)

St. Patrick's Day: When Irish Eyes Are Crying

When Irish Eyes Are Crying: Sean O’Reilly owner of the Harp and Shamrock Pub has passed on to the pot o gold in the sky. At his wake his wife Kathleen O’Reilly and friends celebrate his passing with his beloved Irish songs and stories. Constable Danny O’Sullivan interrupts the celebration with breaking news about Sean’s passing! Was his untimely death under suspicious circumstances? Or were mischievous leprechauns involved?

Melodious Murder

Melodious Murder: Tommy Cloverton was the most famous singer in 1920’s having performed for years with the Forrestberg Orchestra. Upon his retirement he wrote a “tell all” autobiography about his years performing with the Orchestra. The Publisher of his book is hosting a Press Conference to debut Tommy’s new book “This Song is Killing Me.” At the Press Conference Tommy agrees to perform his number one hit as a special treat to his fan and while singing – he is shot! Did the Orchestra director feel several “alleged” facts in the book regarding financial impropriety of running the orchestra would ruin his career? Was it the case of a woman scorned by the ex-fiancé who was seeking revenge for a broken engagement to Tommy? Was Tommy’s song writer jealous of the financial success Tommy received from her creative songwriting while she reaped little financial benefit and recognition? Find out if this tell-all book ends on a sour note! (set in the 1920’s guests are encouraged to dress for this era!)

Murder in the Choir Loft

Sydney Greenwald is retiring after being the Church Organist for 29 years. At his retirement dinner, his replacement, Brian Franc is to be introduced. Unfortunately, Brian is found murdered in the choir loft just before the dinner begins, having been hit over the head with a very large hand bell! Is the murderer the Director of the Hand Bell Choir who is fearful his choir would be dismantled under the new director? Was it Gina Ginobili the soprano soloist who knew Brian did not care for her voice? Is it the church secretary who had worked with Brian in the past and was concerned he would reveal the financial improprieties she was accused of at the church they had both worked at previously? Or is it Sydney Greenwald who feels he is being forced to retire prematurely?? Join us and discover if everyone is as saintly as they appear!

up to 50 guests
over 50 guests

Murder by the Book

Hermes Van Buren is a world-renowned romance writer. “A Likely Story” bookstore is hosting a book signing for his most recent novel “Shoot Me Through the Heart.” However, before Abigail Woodstone, owner of the bookstore can introduce him to his fans he is found shot! Did a competing romance author want Hermes out of the way to reduce competition in the market? Was his publisher who Hermes was accusing of putting money before artistic creativity seeking to stifle his accusations of financial impropriety? Join us for this page turner of a mystery! (This show has a 1920’s theme and we encourage guests to dress up in 1920’s attire).

Deadly Reception

Washington Socialite Elizabeth Crandall hosts a reception for her dear friend Senator Dan Drewnell and his lovely new bride Marcia. As Elizabeth begins to introduce the Senator – the head of his political party rushes in to say the Senator has been shot! His daughter doesn’t like her new step mother, the Senator’s political opponent is at the reception and there is still bitterness between them from the previous election, Elizabeth’s former husband was always jealous of her relationship with the Senator, the Senator’s new bride only seems interested in his money……motives and suspects abound!

Deadly Horseplay

Floyd “Boots” Wellington, a renowned Polo player is retiring. Before his retirement dinner being attended by celebrities, fellow teammates and business associates, Boots is found murdered in the stables. Was a jilted finance, a woman scorned? Was a former business associate seeking revenge for a deal gone bad? Did a fellow teammate who was jealous of Floyd’s success want him out of the picture to further his own career? Join us for this wild ride of mystery! (Guests are encouraged to dress in their finest Kentucky Derby attire!)

Recipe for Murder

A chef has recently won the coveted “Slice and Dice” cooking competition winning $100,000! At the press conference to showcase his newly released book of recipes he is poisoned! Was the murderer the 1st runner up who was jealous of the Chef’s success? Is a former business partner who was left having to manage their joint restaurant venture alone, seeking revenge? Was the ghost writer for the cookbook angry over not receiving credit for her contributions to the recipes? Which suspects are in this hot kettle of fish?